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Agenda February 16, 2012

Unofficial translation

Of the meeting of Business Development and Investments Council
under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


February 16, 2012
15:00 – 17:00 (TBC)
Place of the meeting:
Square Hall
Government House of KR


1. Information on implementation of the Decision of the 6th meeting of the Council from December 29, 2011 - T. Koichumanov, Secretary of the Council.

2. Discussion of the Drafts Normative Legal Acts, developed for the implementation of the Action Plan for 100 days on realization of the Programme of Government of the Kyrghyz Republic, "The stability and decent life."
Speakers: The relevant heads of state agencies

2.1. Simplifying the VAT refund order, on reduction of sales tax rate and the abolition of the tax on supplies, subject to VAT, taking into account the drop-down amounts of tax.
Speakers: Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy of the KR T. Sariev, comments: chairman of the Tax consultants chamber T. Kim.

2.2. On development of a package of legal acts to reform the sphere of subsoil use and mining industry.
Speakers: Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy of the KR T. Sariev, comments: member of International Business Council K. Ashyrkulov.

2.3. On the development of medium-term program of action (master plan) for tourism development and promotion the draft Law "On abolishment of visa regime" to Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic
Speakers: Ministry of culture and tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic I. Junusov, comments: chairman of tourism committee of Enterpreneurs Union M. Halitov, President of the Association of Tourism “Silk Way” A. Komissarov

2.4. On temporary ban of carrying out of inspections of businesses
Speakers: Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy of the KR T. Sariev comments: representatives of business associations

2.5. On cancellation of reasonable and considered licenses and permits under the Interdepartmental Commission for optimization of licenses and permits
Speakers: Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy of the KR T. Sariev comments: Director of the Fund of complex researches Foresight, Advisor to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic N. Ahmetova

2.6. Other.