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Agenda May 14, 2012

Unofficial translation

Of the meeting of Business Development and Investments Council
under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


May 14, 2012
10:00 – 11:30 (TBC)
Place of the meeting:
Square Hall
Government House of KR


1. Information on implementation of the Decision of the 7th meeting of the Council from February 16, 2012.
Speaker: T. Koichumanov, Secretary of the Council.

2. On implementation of mechanisms for assessing risks of non-payment of taxes and improve tax reporting in accordance with advanced international practice.
Speaker: Chairman of the State Tax Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic К. Abdaliev, comments: Chairman of the Tax Consultants Chamber T. Kim

3. On improvement of tax administration:
- on the list of exempt from VAT on fixed assets, imported to the country for own production goals;
- on introducing the principle of “Single window” in external trade and customs tariffs on imported finished products for raw materials.
Speaker: Executive Director of the International business council А.Tungatarov, Executive Director of the Enterpreneurs’ Union of the Kyrgyz Republic Z. Shaikov, comments: Ministry of the Economy and Antitrust Policy T. Sariev, Chairman of the State Tax Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic K. Kulmatov.

4. On preparation of the Draft Strategy on Development of the Building Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Speaker: Director of the State Agency on Building and Regional Development under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic К. Narbaev
comments: President of Builders Association of Kyrgyzstan A. Moldobaev.

5. Other

- On ifluence of tax legislation to the telecommunications field
Speaker: Executive Director of the Association of Communication Operators A. Bakanov, comments: Ministry of the Economy and Antitrust Policy T. Sariev, State Agency of communication under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic A. Kadyrkulov.

- On mining industry development.
Speaker: Executive Director of the International business council А.Tungatarov, Comments: Ministry of the Economy and Antitrust Policy T. Sariev, Director of State Agency on Geology and Mineral Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic U. Tashbaev.

- Message from the Business community to the Government of the KR on the Recovery of Workers Fund, on State Service for Combating Economic Crimes and Development of Civil Aviation.
Speaker: S. Ponomarev, the President of Association of Markets, Trade and Services of Kyrgyzstan.