Adress: Bishkek, 1a Igemberdiev str., Block D, 3rd floor, office #319, #320, #321, phone.: 0312 963600, 0999 963600 

Agenda December 29, 2011

Unofficial translation

Of the meeting of Business Development and Investments Council
under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


December 29, 2011
15:00 – 16:30 (TBC)
Place of the meeting:
Square Hall
Government House of KR

1. Information on implementation of the Decision of the 5th meeting of the Council from September 22, 2011 - T. Koichumanov, Secretary of the Council.

2. On implementation of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On Hi-Tech Park - К.Sultanov, Minister of Transport and Communication of the Kyrgyz Republic, V.Albreht, President of the Kyrgyz Association of Software and Service Developers

3. On the optimization of normative-legal base of the business regulation in the licensing and permission area – T. Sariev, Minister of Economy and Antimonopoly policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, U.Kydyrbaev, Executive Director of Bishkek Business Club, N.Ahmetova, Director of the Fund of complex researches Foresight, Advisor to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic

4. Оn the violations of the Tax Code articles of the of Kyrgyz Republic, calling for a decision in favor of the taxpayer, and other law enforcement– T. Kim, Chairman of Tax Consultants Chamber, member of the National Alliance of Business Associations, А. Abdraev, President of Union of Banks of the Kyrgyzstan

5. Approval of Working Plan of Council for 2012-2013, - T. Koichumanov, Secretary of the Council.