Adress: Bishkek, 1a Igemberdiev str., Block D, 3rd floor, office #319, #320, #321, phone.: 0312 963600, 0999 963600 

Agenda 22 September 2011

Of the meeting of Business Development and Investments Council
under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


22 September 2011
17:00 – 18:30
Place of the meeting:
Square Hall
Government House of KR


1. Information on implementation of the Decision of the 4th meeting of the Council from May 26, 2011 - T. Koichumanov, Secretary of the Council.

2. Validity of proposals for mandatory insurance benefits of business – T. Kim, Chairman of Tax Consultants Chamber, member of the National Alliance of Business Associations, Y. Toichubekov, Chairman of Public Service regulation and supervision of financial markets under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. On order and conditions of the tender for subsoil use by the state agency for subsoil use - Z. Esenamanov, Minister of Nature Resources of the KR, K. Ashyrkulov, member of International Bissuness Council

4. The proposal of the National Alliance of Business Associations to abolish customs stamps on tea imported, produced (packed) and implemented in the customs territory of the Kyrgyz Republic – G. Uskenbaeva, President of Association of suppliers and distributors, U. Tashbaev, Minister of Economic Regulation of the Kyrgyz Republic.