
On January 27 the Parliament fraction Onuguu-Progress conducted meeting of the fraction.
- Friday, 27 January 2017
On January 27 the Parliament fraction Onuguu-Progress conducted meeting of the fraction. The main agenda of the meeting was discussion of the new Tax Code. Earlier, business community had announced general appeal with concerns on quick and non-transparent process of TC adoption as well as statement on necessity of more comprehensive consideration of the TC. The Parliament fraction Onuguu-Progress has responded to the appeal of the business community and conducted number of meetings with discussion of the new TC. Business Development and Investments Council has arranged meetings and provided process of dialogue between business community and Parliament of the KR. During the meeting of the Parliament fraction, the Minister of economics of the KR has informed that the new working group was founded to study and develop new draft of the TC as well as Regulatory Impact Analysis and other supporting documentation.
As a result, the Parliament fraction Onuguu-Progress has made a decision to withdraw current draft of the new TC, provide fair and equal participation of the business community in the process of TC discussion, as well as provide mutual discussion and hearings of the new TC.

Meeting of the Parliament profile committee on economic and fiscal policy
- Wednesday, 26 October 2016
On October 25, the head of the Business and Investment Development Council - Koichumanov Talaibek as well as Council’s Parliament Liaison Officer - Ashyrkulov Kuban participated at the meeting of the Parliament profile committee on economic and fiscal policy. The general information, mission, objectives and working principles of the BIDC was presented at the meeting of the profile committee.
Besides, Council provided proposals on increasing effectiveness of cooperation and interaction between the Parliament profile committee and Council. Some of the Members of Parliament raised additional questions on the activity of the Council, as well as main problems and concerns within the current agenda of the Council.

Bishkek Liberal Club meeting
- Thursday, 15 September 2016
On September 15 the Bishkek Liberal Club with support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation conducted meeting with main agenda Economic interests of Kyrgyzstan as a member of the EAEU. Representatives of the expert society, state civilians as well as business associations have participated at the BLC meeting.
Head of the Secretariat of the Business Development and Investments Council - Koichumanov Talaibek has presented information on initiatives of business community raised in concern to the Kyrgyzstan’s membership to the EAEU. Professor Koichumanov noted about main issues related to the EAEU membership which were initiated on the Business Development and Investments Council PPD platform. Furthermore, participant of the meeting have shared their concerns on the current status of the entrepreneurs involved in the export import activity with other members of the EAEU.
In conclusion, participants agreed on follow up meetings and discussions of the EAEU theme, on the base of open and transparent opinions exchange.

Meeting with the head of the Parliamentary leading fraction SDPK - Omurkulov Isa
- Tuesday, 06 September 2016
On September 6, the head of the Business and Investment Development Council - Koichumanov Talaibek as well as Council’s Parliament Liaison Officer - Ashyrkulov Kuban have met with the head of the Parliamentary leading fraction SDPK - Omurkulov Isa.
The main objective and agenda of the meeting was to present general information, mission, objectives and working principles of the BIDC, as well as discuss improve of the cooperation between Parliament and private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition BIDC representatives have shared and discussed the main problems and concerns within the current agenda of the public private dialogue. One of the main gaps is the lack of interaction and cooperation between Parliament and business community in the Kyrgyz Republic. Thus, the leader of SDPK Parliament fraction has expressed his goodwill and readiness to provide comprehensive support to the initiatives and proposals of the business community.
As a result of the meeting, participants have agreed on more close cooperation and transparent exchange of information and competence, in order to raise efficiency of the public private dialogue process.