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Notification of EBRD Consultancy Assignment Regional Public-Private Dialogue Expert

Notification of EBRD Consultancy Assignment

Regional Public-Private Dialogue Expert to the Secretariat to the Business Development and Investment Council under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("EBRD", or the "Bank") is seeking to select and engage a "Regional PPD Expert" (the "Consultant") to support the Secretariat to the Business Development and Investment Council under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

A sound business environment is vital for private sector development, and supporting policy reform dialogue on the investment climate plays a central role in the EBRD’s engagement in its countries of operation. The EBRD’s Investment Climate and Governance Initiative (“ICGI”) was launched in 2014 to enhance the Bank’s support for improvements to the investment climate and governance in its countries of operations. To date, the EBRD has mobilized donor funds to support Secretariats of Investment Councils (“ICs”), independent professional secretariats that identify constraints and help to broker solutions, in Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Albania, and Georgia. Evidence provided by their annual reports suggests that the ICs can play an important role in providing a platform that brings government policymakers and business representatives together to address obstacles in the business environment.

Currently the Secretariat comprises 5 consultants: the Head of Secretariat, a secretary, one economic/financial experts, a legal expert, and executive assistant to the Head. The Regional PPD Expert will work under the direct supervision of the Head of Secretariat. The tasks of the Expert will include, inter alia, the following:

• Organize the meetings of the regional ICs;
• Support and prepare the local business communities during the establishment of the local PPD platforms;
• Support the preparation of the working plan of the regional ICs;
• Provide advice and assistance on conducting the meetings of the regional ICs;
• Coordinate the participation of the representatives of the regional ICs in the development of the working plan of the national IC;
• Coordinate the participation of local public authorities in the regional ICs;
• Seek support from international donors for the regional ICs;
• Conduct capacity building workshops and seminars for local business associations and public authorities; and
• Regularly inform the local media on the activities of the regional ICs.

Candidates should have the following qualifications and expertise:

• Background in business, economics, or related field, with preferably at least one postgraduate degree in one of these subjects;
• Ideally at least 3 years of relevant work experience, preferably both in the public and private sectors;
• Fluency in written and spoken Kyrgyz, Russian and English

In addition, the successful candidate should have the following personal characteristics:

• Solid knowledge of the investment climate across the country as well as understanding of the economic reform process in the Kyrgyz Republic;
• Analytical skills, with the ability to interpret and report on complex issues;
• Ability to interact effectively with senior officials in government and the business community;
• Ability to work effectively in a team;
• Ability to prioritise and work under the pressure of deadlines.

Submission Requirements: In order to determine the capability and experience of candidates seeking to be selected for this assignment, the information submitted should include the following:

1. Cover letter (maximum 2 pages) summarising how he/she satisfies the requirements as defined above under the Consultant Profile;

2. CV which should be detailed and include full descriptions of roles responsibilities carried out;

Responses to the notification are to be submitted in English by email to Ms. Nazira Aliyeva of the EBRD Resident Office in Bishkek ( ALIYEVAN@EBRD.COM ). The deadline is 28/03/2016.