The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic has approved and submitted for consideration to the Jogorku Kenesh a draft law "On the Implementation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Repeal of Certain Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic." The primary goal of the reforms in land resource utilization is to stimulate their use in the most efficient and rational manner. The state is obligated to develop mechanisms for consolidating the fragmented structure of land ownership and maximizing added value. This will be achieved through state programs in agriculture, the application of fiscal and tariff measures, which will help reverse the trend of land degradation.
In the framework of updating the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, provisions have been revised and/or introduced to promote the liberalization of the land market and the rational use of agricultural land, including aspects such as allocation, withdrawal, alienation, pledge, and evaluation.
The adoption of the new Land Code aims to ensure sustainable management of land resources, improve environmental indicators, and strengthen the country's economic potential. Introducing new technologies and supporting innovations in land use will contribute to the rational use of land resources and ensure stable development across all sectors of the economy.
Link to the new Land Code (in Russian)
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