On May 15 there was meeting of the business associations with the members of the Open Government Partnership Coalition in the office of the Business Development and Investments Council under the Government of the KR. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss and elaborate proposals for the National Action Plan committed to strengthen business environment and improve investment climate in Kyrgyzstan.
The world best practices of the OGP Action Plans were presented during the meeting. In addition some of the issues raised earlier at the meetings of the Investment council were discussed. Some of the proposals for the OGP Action Plan submitted by the business associations were considered as well.
As a result of the meeting participants agreed to define and submit OGP Action Plan commitments to the OGP Secretariat. The proposals for the OGP Action plan will be structured and include justifications, financial and human resources as well as milestone terms. The final set of commitments will be submitted to the Government of the KR as well as disseminated among the mass media.
Meeting on discussion of the Open Government Partnership program’s National Action Plan
Tuesday, 15 May 2018 05:39
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