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Developing Practice-Oriented Education

Friday, 14 February 2025 10:12

A meeting was held at the Secretariat of the Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic with representatives of Ala-Too University, Dimitry Euler and Elmira Usenova. The discussion was attended by Uluk Kydyrbaev, Head of the Secretariat, as well as experts Cholpon Asakeeva and Azem Akmatbek.

The key topic of the meeting was the development of practice-oriented education and strengthening collaboration between universities, businesses, and government institutions. One of the initiatives discussed was the launch of acceleration programs aimed at training students in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) methods, equipping them with both legal foundations and economic analysis tools to help them better understand the policymaking process in the investment sector.

Additionally, the organization of an investment-themed hackathon was discussed. This initiative will provide students with practical experience in legal analysis and RIA tools, allowing them to adapt to the demands of the modern job market. The best projects developed during the hackathon will receive support for further implementation.

This experience could serve as a model for cooperation with other universities across the country, particularly in the regions. Strengthening the connection between education, business, and government support will not only help prepare highly skilled professionals but also enhance their competitiveness in both local and international labor markets.

The Investment Council Secretariat actively supports initiatives aimed at creating an ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurial development and is ready to collaborate with educational and business institutions to bring these initiatives to life.