The Kyrgyz Republic was first graded in the 1998 Index, and its economic freedom has advanced since then by 9.3 points. Its overall score increase has been facilitated by improvements in six of the 10 economic freedoms, including gains of over 20 points in monetary freedom and fiscal freedom and gains of about 10 points in trade freedom and investment freedom. The Kyrgyz Republic has been mostly rated “moderately free” during the second half of its history in the Index.
The country has lagged, however, in promoting the effective rule of law. The judicial system remains vulnerable to political interference, and property rights are not strongly protected. Corruption continues to undermine enforcement of the rule of law and hampers prospects for long-term economic growthand development.
2014 Index of Economic Freedom
Monday, 07 July 2014 00:00
The Kyrgyz Republic’s economic freedom score is 61.1, making its economy the 85th freest in the 2014 Index. Its score is 1.5 points better than last year, reflecting substantial advancements in investment freedom, monetary freedom, and the control of government spending. The Kyrgyz Republic is ranked 15th out of 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region.